
Did You Know?


“To ease one’s heartache is to forget one’s own”-Abraham Lincoln


In line with these verses. A few guys and girls (we are a national YOUTH volunteering organization – Pun intended) turn out every weekend which would have been spent just simply otherwise. They choose; volunteer and keep alive a cause. For such people across the world; a day volunteers itself as the international Volunteer day in line with United Nations on December 5th.


It is in international observance since 1985. It offers an opportunity for volunteer organizations and individual volunteers to make visible their contributions – at local, national and international levels – to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).The International Volunteer Day is marked by many non-governmental organizations, including Red Cross, scouts and others. It is also marked and supported by United Nations Volunteers.

Source: Wikipedia.Org





2   A wave that reflects monthly news (7)-Ripples – A form of wave (“Tagline-Reflections of lakshya”)

3   A project with cash in it (7)-Lakshya-“LAKsHya – LAKH”

7   The rare meeting in an exotic cabin (6) Outing (simple and straight)

8   Following a Greek god who helped his friend (9) Mentoring (Mentor –A greek god who helped in guiding his friend’s son)

10 A project for Young scientists (6, 9) Little Einsteins (Simple and straight)

12 An Eco conscious thought (5, 5) Think Green (“A thought”-“eco consious”)

14 The comment that keeps us alive (8) Feedback (simple and straight)

15 *you are in a fruit; for a project; [a Tamil word in cryptic clue] (6) ka (NI) ni (Ni-You ; Kani- Fruit)


1 A project enriching a language (5, 3) Speak out (Simple and straight)

4 City where it all started (7) Chennai (Simple and straight)

5 A meet to align ourselves to Bhumi (11) ORIENTation (“ORIENT”- align )

6 The souls keeping the thoughts alive (9) Volunteer (Simple and straight)

9 A star that shines once in a month (9) Nakshatra (Simple and straight)

11 A time in our life implementing the project (7) Session (Simple and straight)

13 The name that binds us together (5) Bhumi (pretty obvious)

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