Inspiring the child in us!
Everybody has a child like nature within us and SpeakOutians got a special way to let it all out on this Children’s day with our bright angels! Volunteers at two of the Pudhiyadhor centres, Samarpana and Arun Rainbow planned a Children’s day event at their respective centres. At few centres we celebrated it giving chocolates, biscuits and stationary to the whole centre. We also screened movie at one of our centre “Despicable Me“ with prior permission of management. Kids absolutely loved the minions!
We thank volunteers from all 4 centres to take an effort and give me our kids best they deserve. A much cherishable day on the 2016-17 Calendar of SpeakOut!
Speak Out – This Week’s Special Children’s Day Special

“Akka parunga neenga dhan en name English la eludha soli kuduthinga.” said a kid named Madhan whom I used to teach. It made me so happy and that was the day when I realized that just the 2 hours we spend can make a bigger difference.
After that I actually wanted to bring change and that’s why I applied for ‘Lead Bhumi’. Kishore and Avinesh were my boosting tool. Everytime I come to Chennai and go back I carry a million memories and wait eagerly for the next weekend.
Even In future If I move of to some other city I will plan to start a Bhumi chapter. Bhumi is closely connected to my heart and soul and has been the platform to change myself from within.
And I’m looking forward to start a Project for Women Empowerment in Bhumi.
– Pavithra Mannan, City HR
Merchant of Wow! – Rhaasi

“Volunteering is an amazing chance were you get to contribute in making difference in society” says Rhaasi. An architecture student, joined Bhumi last year and this year she took up the role of centre HR coordinator of Arun Rainbow-Purasawakkam.
She says that she believes in good bonding among volunteers and team work and she’s put her words to action as well by having the best volunteer bonding for her centre.
Thank you Rhaasi for being an awesome coordinator this year! We are proud to announce you as merchant of Wow!
Champs in the Amps!
Here are Samreen & Mansi – centre HR coordinators at CMS and Kamaraj Illam respectively doing an amazing job! Sharing their experience and journey so far:

Volunteering for me means: Simply a chance to make a difference.
Best part of Bhumi: Its functioning pattern itself and youth volunteering which offers several responsibilities to youngsters.
Best part of Speakout: The maximum strength that our project has. Larger the count bigger the impact.
Bhumi has changed you as: As a better person who is very comfortable in conversing and working with many strangers whom I didn’t know before I joined Bhumi.
Inspiring person you meet in Bhumi: Our Founders are the best example that anyone would take them as inspiration because there start and the level and influence that Bhumi has now after 10 years of Journey showcases their hardwork.
What’s the most special thing happened to you in class: After class when I went down the stairs a little girl came running towards and draged me to her parents and introduced to them. That gave the absolute teacher feeling which was great!
Samreen’s Rapid Fire
Hobbies: Reading, writing
Love to: Dance, Enjoy songs
I dream Of: That day when I can afford my parents’ living!
Chennai to me is: Its just Namma Ooru Chennai for me. A place where I would love to live in and make changes accordingly.
Favorites: Books – Alchemist Movie – Any inspirational story and All love stories that has practical endings. TV Series – Koffee with Karan.

Volunteering for me means: It’s all working selfless . Being carefree and just because you wanna do something which many peoples don’t tend to do that comfortably.
Best part of Bhumi: Attending class and being with kids. Meeting like minded people.
Best part of Speakout: Spamming and irrespective fights which has no head and tail. (All volunteers group whatsapp)
Changes you would like to see in spo: Recruitment process, where in beginners understand the seriousness of volunteering.
Bhumi has changed me as: A person who consume time in proper channel.
Inspiring person I have met in Bhumi: “Pavithra” our HR coordinator. Being a working woman, she finds time to manage things at best way possible. She travels every weekend just to ensure that things at SPO goes smoothly.
Most special thing happened in class: Met this naughty kid at my spo class, Vignesh. He’s full of energy and not stoppable. He makes me dance every time I enter class, which makes me feel special and is signing on note for me to begin class.
Mansi’s Rapid Fire
Hobbies: Wander lust, cribbing novels.
Matrimonial ad: Commit at your own risk.
You dream off: To command like Hitler
Chennai to me is: second home
Favorites: Books – The white tiger Movie – Gajni, Hachiko TV Series – How I met your Mother